Come Join Us – You’re Invited

In order to promote Satvic Lifestyle living and help with developing people’s health and well-being, we have made available various events, which anyone and everyone who is interested may attend. We deeply believe that these techniques and practices are so important and useful to all beings in this world and should be made available to people at no monetary cost to them. For us, the benefit of seeing an improvement in your life, or simply just providing a space for you to show up and have a fun and meaningful experience, is far greater than any profit we can imagine. On the same note, with all the possible reasons why staying home and slouching on the couch is a better idea than getting up and doing some physical or mental (or spiritual) activity, we want to encourage you to join us, and try to eliminate any excuse for why you may not be able to. The events will always be productive and beneficial for all, and social or financial circumstances should never be the reason for someone not being able to attend.

So, if you like what you see and read about in this space and you want to get a more physical and practical experience of the content, we recommend you to have a look at the list of events coming up in your area and we encourage to join us on this journey to a better self.