When people talk about health and being healthy, it is almost always associated with the physical body only; there are things we are encouraged to do, such as eating well and exercising often, and there are things we are advised not do, such as consuming harmful drugs and being over-sedentary.

Even though having good physical health is undoubtedly important for everyone, the truth is that this is only the tip of the iceberg; when it comes to healthy living, having good physical health alone, does not in fact guarantee it.

Why Mental Health?

We talk about heart health, gut health, skin health, lung health, liver health, and the list goes on; but what about the part that ultimately controls it all? What about the health of our brain? And even deeper, what about the health of our mind?

Mental health is a topic that has been neglected for many years and, only relatively recently, has it begun to receive the attention it so rightly deserves. Mental health refers to our emotional, cognitive, and behavioural well-being – it is all about how we feel, think, and behave. According to the World Health Organisation, “Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.” The WHO also stress that mental health is “more than just the absence of mental disorders or disabilities.

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No one, regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, level of education, or social economic status, is immune to physical or mental health disorders. Just like having good physical health, having good mental health does not just happen automatically or by chance. Yes, sure, there are some biological and genetic influences that are beyond your control, which can affect your mental health (as with physical health), however, there are also numerous geographic, circumstantial, lifestyle and induced factors within your control that contribute to your mental health state. If you want to improve your health, mental or physical, you have to work on it with focussed intent. Each person is unique, and there is no ‘blanket solution’ for good health, but there is always something that can be done to positively influence your life. It may be as simple as including exercise into your daily routine or practicing mindfulness before you begin your day.

Mental health vs Physical health

There are individuals who are diabetic and are, therefore, restricted with the food they are allowed to eat, and are required to take insulin injections daily to maintain good physical health. There are also people with mental illnesses who need to take medication to control and help maintain their mental health. These are two examples of illnesses that need to be treated. However, for some reason, if a person requires the latter (that is, medication for a mental health problem), he or she is stigmatized, ridiculed, outcasted, and seen as an embarrassment or failure in society.

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This used to be how mental illness was viewed by society, but, fortunately, our society is changing. People are being educated about the importance of mental health, and the fact that having a mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of. There are numerous programs and organisations that have been established for those who may be struggling with their mental health but are brave enough to try and get help.

The reality is that we are all on different levels of physical and mental well-being, whether it is due to reasons within our control or not; and that is OKAY! What is not okay, is thinking that you need to remain where you currently are, or believing that you are alone with your challenges – there is always something that can be done, or someone you can reach out and talk to, to improve your physical and mental well-being, and, the fact is, the two are very closely related.

More often than not, individuals with good mental health also have good physical health as opposed to the other way around; there are people who are in excellent physical shape, but they are struggling to maintain their mental health.

This blog entry is not to aimed at providing solutions to all physical and mental health issues, because like I mentioned, there is no one-size-suits-all answer; each person needs to have individual, specific guidance to improve their health. There are, however, some practices, such as yoga, that can be beneficial to every person who engages with them regularly and in the correct way, which I hope to share with you in time to come.

You are not alone

The message I would like to get across to everyone who reads this, is that mental health is a very real thing. From this day forward, please give your mental health as much as, or even more, attention than you give your physical health. You would not ignore a headache or a broken leg; you would go see a health professional about it. So, please do not ignore your depression or anxiety; reach out to someone and get help from the numerous organisations that are there for you. Do this, and you will see your life improve in ways you never believed possible.

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Discover the power of the mind and release your untapped potential!

Bye for now.


This is something I wrote with all those who have challenges with mental health in mind. Sending peace and love to you always. #youarenotalone

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